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Travel Friends in Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh

Travel Friends in Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh  Travel Friends  in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh : The 2nd Online Travel Agency is a confidential seller/ public service that presents tourism related services to the public on behalf of dealers like hotel, package tour, railways, rentals car, bus, airlines, sea ways . In addition to trading with regular tourists, The 2nd Online Travel Agency  has a separate department committed to making travel arrangements for commercial travellers.The Second Online travel Agency, being the Online Distributor, also provides general sales agents in India for Travel businesses. Also, Read: Control Your Mind The Second Online Travel Agency’s major role is to perform as a representative by promoting travel goods and services on behalf of a dealer. Hence, similar to other retail industries, we don’t have a stock in stores. A holiday pack or a ticket is not obtained from a dealer till a consumer desires that purchase. The holiday or ticket is provided to them at m

Varanasi Tours : the perfect tourism Varanasi Uttar Pradesh, Peacock Travel

Varanasi Tours

Varanasi Tours and Travel–The perfect Travel Company,Peacock Travel

Varanasi Peacock Travel: Peacock is a bird that carries huge national importance in India. Most noteworthy, the bird is famous for its beautiful vibrant colours. The Peacock is popular for its spectacular beauty. It certainly has a hypnotic appearance. Watching it dance during the Monsoon season is a great pleasure experience. Its beautiful colours instantly bring comfort to the eyes. The Peacock has significant religious involvement in Indian traditions. Due to this, Peacock was declared as the National Bird of India.

Peacocks are the males of the species. They have a stunningly beautiful appearance. Due to this, the bird gets a huge appreciation from around the World. Furthermore, their length from the tip of the beak to the end of the train is 195 to 225 cm. Also, their average weight is 5 kg. Most noteworthy, the head, neck, and breast of Peacock are of iridescent blue colour. They also have patches of white around the eyes.

Peacock has a crest of feathers on top of the head. The most remarkable feature of the Peacock is the extraordinary beautiful tail. This tail is called a train. Furthermore, this train becomes fully developed after 4 years of hatching. The 200 odd display feathers grow from the back of the bird. Also, these feathers are part of the enormous elongated upper tail. The train feathers do not have barbs to hold the feathers in place. Therefore, the association of the feathers is loose.

The Peacock colours are a result of intricate microstructures. Furthermore, these microstructures create optical phenomena. Also, each train feather ends in an eye-catching oval cluster. The back wings of the Peacock are greyish brown in colour. Another important thing to know is that the back wings are short and dull.

The Peacock is famous for the striking elegant display of feathers. The Peacocks spread their train and quiver it for courtship display. Also, the number of eyespots in a male’s courtship display affects mating success.

Peacocks are omnivorous species. Furthermore, they survive on seeds, insects, fruits and even small mammals. Also, they live in small groups. A group probably has a single male and 3-5 females. They mostly stay on the upper branches of a tall tree to escape predators. Peacocks prefer to run rather take a flight when in danger. Most noteworthy, Peacocks are quite agile on foot.

Our Prime Minister Mr. Modi’s love for Peacock has been a center of attraction for approx 2 months ( July and August) on all social media throughout India and abroad in 2020.\


To sum it up, Peacock is a bird of mesmerizing charm. It is certainly a fascinating colourful bird that has been the pride of India for centuries. Peacock is a bird of exquisite beauty. Due to this, they have been a source of inspiration for artists. Catching a glimpse of this bird can bring delight to the heart. Peacock is a true representative of India’s fauna. It certainly is the pride of India.

For further queries, you can ring us anytime at ++ 91 0 7408358005.

Ramesh Verma Cmd - the Second Online Travel , Varanasi Tours and Travel, A perfect Travel Company


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